Friday 24 October 2008

A brilliant internet safety site for primary school children

Internet safety is obviously a very important part of ICT education in primary school. I am very eager to find out ways in which to encourage children to use the internet safely. I found this website, which introduces children to internet safety in a fun and simple way. I like the way in which the serious issue of internet safety is presented in an accessible way. The animations are fun and the language is easy to read. There are a series of cartoons which are really fun and engaging, which expose the dangers of talking to strangers online and giving out personal information online. The underlying message on the website is to always tell an adult that you trust if you see anything that upsets you on the internet. It also gives childline's number and encourages children to call it if they are worried about something and don't know who to talk to.

I will definately be introducing this website to children in my classroom.

1 comment:

The Python said...

This is a useful resource. Have you added it to the wiki for others to see?